“Dr Kim – do you know when I will be getting my braces off?”
This would have to be THE most asked question from patients. Everyone wants their teeth to move as quickly as possible. I understand where they are coming from.
Have you ever wondered how teeth actually move?
It is a complex process whereby bone on one side of the tooth is broken down and bone on the other side of the tooth is formed.
The good news is that there are ways in which to speed up this biological process. The bad news is that it involves invasive surgery whereby small holes are placed into the jaw bone. The process is called corticotomy and it was my thesis topic during my training as an orthodontist.
Recently, one of my adult Invsialign patients asked about a device called Acceledent. This device sends pulsations through the teeth and is promoted by the manufacturer as a device to decrease treatment time.
However, as a clinician we need to inform our patients of whether these claims are supported by well researched science. At present, there are no good studies that have been published in peer reviewed journals to support the claim. The current evidence is from “opinion leaders” and have been published in professional magazines rather than highly ranked journals.
The cost for Acceledent is significant therefore, I would not recommend it in the hope it “may” increase tooth movement.
Simple ways to ensure your treatment goes as quickly as possible:
- wearing elastics full time including during eating
- having minimal broken brackets
- attending appointments at regular intervals as prescribed by the orthodontist